Elemental Analysis

Two elemental scientists analyse elemental results on a computer

In most industries it is crucially important to know how things are made and what they are composed of. Elements are the basic ingredients of all molecules and knowing what elements are present in a sample is often the first step in looking at composition. We have a variety of tools and technologies available to allow us to handle elemental analysis of the most complex materials, even those containing trace levels of specific elements, and our years of expertise allow us to interpret results in terms of the properties of your materials.

Determining the elemental make up of a material can be exceptionally important information to define what a material is, how its been made or what its properties are. Elements present in soil can tell you which plants will grow well, those present in bodily fluid report on health whilst those present in a chemical compound give the first clues towards identity of that compound.

We have several techniques that can give qualitative or semi quantitative elemental composition, such as X-ray Fluorescence, or those that give either semi-quantitative or fully quantitative measures of elemental composition, such as Inductively-Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy or Energy Dispersive X-ray SpectroscopyHigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry also provides accurate mass data on chemical compounds from which elemental compositions can be calculated.

Contact us for more information on how elemental analysis can help with your research or industrial problems.


A scientist pipettes solution from an Eppendorf tube

Key industrial sectors that use elemental analysis

Chemicals Industry


Agriculture and Farming

Manufacturing and Construction

Life Sciences



Tools and technologies of relevance include

Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy

X-ray Fluorescence

Inductively-Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy

High Resolution Mass Spectrometry